Best hacking tools for pc

Here is the list of best hacking tools for PC


Port Scanner

Nmap is an abbreviation of 'Network Mapper', which is a very well known free open source hackers tool. Nmap is used for network discovery and security auditing. Literally thousands of system admins all around the world will use nmap for network inventory, check for open ports, manage service upgrade schedules, and monitor host or service uptime. Nmap, as a tool uses raw IP packets in creative ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are providing information about, what operating systems (fingerprinting) and what type and version of packet filters/ firewalls are being used by the target. There are dozens of benefits of using nmap, one of which is that fact that the admin user is able to determine whether the network (and associated nodes) need patching. Nmap's been featured in literally every hacker movie out there, not least the recent Mr. Robot series.


Web Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix is a very popular and useful Vulnerability Scanner automatically that works by crawling and scanning off-the-shelf and custom-built websites and web applications for SQL Injection, XSS, XXE, SSRF, Host Header Attacks & over 500 other web vulnerabilities.


Vulnerability Exploitation Tool

The Metasploit Project is a hugely popular pentesting or hacking framework. If you are new to Metasploit think of it as a 'colletion of hacking tools' that can be used to execute various tasks. Widely used by cybersecurity professionals and ethical hackers this is a tool that you have to learn. Metasploit is essentially a computer security project (framework) that provides the user with vital information regarding known security vulnerabilities and helps to formulate penetration testing and IDS testing plans, strategies and methodologies for exploitation. There's a ton of incredibly useful Metasploit information out there and we hope that the videos that we've chosen go someway to help you on your journey, not least if you are a beginner just starting out and looking for beginners tutorials.



Maltego is different in that it works within a digital forensics sphere. Maltego is a platform that was designed to deliver an overall cyber threat picture to the enterprise or local environment in which an organization operates. One of the awesome things about Maltego which likely makes it so popular (and included in the Kali Linux Top Ten) is its's unique perspective in offering both network and resource based entities is the aggregation of information sourced throughout the web - whether it's the current configuration of a vulnerable router within a network or the current whereabouts of your staff members on their international visits, Maltego can locate, aggregate and visualize this data! For those interested in learning how to use Maltego we'd also recommend learning about OSINT cybersecurity data procurement.


Web Vulnerability Scanner

The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is now one of the most popular OWASP projects. The fact that you've reached this page means that you are likely already a relatively seasoned cybersecurity professional so it's highly likely that you are very familiar with OWASP, not least the OWASP Top Ten Threats listing which is considered as being the 'guide-book' of web application security. This hacking and pentesting tool is a very efficient as well as being an 'easy to use' program that finds vulnerabilities in web applications. ZAP is a popular tool because it does have a lot of support and the OWASP community is really an excellent resource for those that work within Cyber Security. ZAP provides automated scanners as well as various tools that allow you the cyber pro to discover security vulnerabilities manually. Understanding and being able to master this tool would also be advantageous to your career as a penetration tester. If you are a developer then you have it's obviously highly recommended that you learn how to become very proficient with this 'hacker tool!


Packet Crafting Tool

Along with nmap, Wireshark is possibly the second best known 'Hackers Tool' out there. Wireshark has been around for a long time now and it is used by thousands of security professionals to troubleshoot and analyse networks for problems and intrusions. Originally named Ethereal this tool, or rather, 'platform' is a highly effective (and free!) open-source packet analyzer. Worth noting that Wireshark is cross-platform, using the GTK+ widget toolkit in current releases, and Qt in the development version. However, our understanding, is that to implement the user interface, and using pcap to capture packets; it must operate on GNU/Linux, but we could be wrong with that - let us know if we are! There is also a less-popular terminal-based (non-GUI) version of Wireshark called TShark. Like nmap there's a ton of information out there to help you become a Wireshark professional.

Burp Suite

Web Vulnerability Scanners

Burp Suite is relatively like Maltego in that it has a bunch of assets and uses all designed to help the penetration tester or ethical hacker. Two commonly used applications used within this tool include the 'Burp Suite Spider' which can enumerate and map out the various pages and parameters of a web site by examining cookies and initiates connections with these web applications, and the 'Intruder' which performs automated attacks on web applications. This is a 'must-learn' tool if you work within cybersecurity and are tasked with penetrating applications used within an organization

THC Hydra

Password Crackers

Although often considered as yet another password cracker, THC Hydra is hugely popular password cracker and has a very active and experienced development team. Essentially THC Hydra is a fast and stable Network Login Hacking Tool that will use dictionary or brute-force attacks to try various password and login combinations against an log in page. This hacking tool supports a wide set of protocols including Mail (POP3, IMAP, etc.), Databases, LDAP, SMB, VNC, and SSH. Take a look at John the Ripper as well.


Password Crackers

John the Ripper wins the award for having the coolest name. John the Ripper, mostly just referred to as simply, 'John' is a popular password cracking pentesting tool that is most commonly used to perform dictionary attacks. John the Ripper takes text string samples (from a text file, referred to as a 'wordlist', containing popular and complex words found in a dictionary or real passwords cracked before), encrypting it in the same way as the password being cracked (including both the encryption algorithm and key), and comparing the output to the encrypted string. This tool can also be used to perform a variety of alterations to dictionary attacks.


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